HELIOS Platform Surpasses 200 Million Strides Tracked


Here at HELIOS, we love data and big numbers. Today, we are ecstatic to announce that our platform has surpassed a monumental milestone: 200 MILLION STRIDES TRACKED!

“This remarkable achievement is a testament to the growing enthusiasm and adoption of HELIOS by athletes of all levels, from developing youth players to seasoned professionals," says Bill Near, Founder and CEO of HELIOS.

“This milestone reflects the dedication and hard work of our users, who are embracing the innovative capabilities of the HELIOS platform. Our advanced AI and motion-sensing technology track every stride and provide invaluable player performance and development insights. The 200 million strides tracked signify more than just a number; they represent countless hours of practice, improvement, and commitment from our users.”

The technology behind HELIOS is what makes this milestone particularly special. Our proprietary AI and motion sensors are designed to capture and analyze every movement with unparalleled precision. This data-driven approach empowers athletes to understand their real-time performance metrics, fostering continuous improvement and achieving their full potential.

“Our ultimate goal has never been just to count strides,” adds Near. “Instead, we aim to revolutionize how athletes train and perform by providing cutting-edge tools and insights. This stride count milestone showcases our platform's extensive utilization and trust, and we are immensely proud of how far we’ve come.”

Thank you to all our users for participating in the HELIOS journey. Your trust and dedication have been instrumental in our success. Together, we are transforming the landscape of athletic training and performance. Let’s keep moving forward and striving for excellence—one stride at a time.

Next stop, 1 BILLION!